What We Believe

Statement of Faith


We Believe

That Christ’s work on the cross was done for the redemption of mankind; bringing mankind back into a relationship with the Father.

That the Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God.

That God is one God, and exist eternally in three persons; The Father, The    Son, and The Holy Spirit.

In the baptism of the Holy Spirit; which empowers every believer to do the work of the Ministry, enabling man to live a holy and separated life from the cares of this world.

In the imminent return of Christ during the rapture of the church; giving the church hope of a great and expected end.

That salvation only comes through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, and followed by water baptism.

In the power of prayer, fasting, praise and worship; giving the believing the opportunity to walk in God’s divine destiny for their lives.

That restoration is given by God to fallen man.